Whale sharks off Isla Mujeres, Mexico
Isla Mujeres is a beautiful little island off the coast of the Yucantan Peninsula. This was my 2nd trip to Isla Mujeres, after an earlier trip to photograph the sailfish.
In June and July every year whale sharks congregate in massive numbers off the coast of Mexico to feed on bonito eggs.
When photographing whale sharks, unlike most other subjects, I try to shoot down onto the fish to accentuate the beautiful pattern that cover the whale shark’s back.
Whale shark off Isla Mujeres, Mexico.
On our first day in the water there were probably 100 whale sharks surrounding the boat in all directions, an extraordinary experience. My first photo of the trip (below) was taken before I had even got into the water! I leaned over the side and captured this image as the whale shark passed under the boat.
Whale shark of Isla Mujeres, Mexico.