Caribbean Reef Shark at Tiger Beach, the Bahamas.

Tiger Shark at Tiger Beach in the Bahamas.

Whale Shark off Isla Mujeres, Mexico.

Great White Shark at the Neptune Islands, South Australia.

Great Hammerhead Shark off Bimini, the Bahamas.

Bull Shark at Beqa Lagoon, Fiji.

Great Hammerhead Sharks off Bimini, the Bahamas.

Great White Shark at the Neptune Islands, South Australia.

Great Hammerhead Shark off Bimini, the Bahamas.

Great Hammerhead Shark off Bimini, the Bahamas.

Bull Sharks at Beqa Lagoon, Fiji.

Great Hammerhead Shark off Bimini, the Bahamas.

Whale Shark sunburst, Cebu, the Philippines.

Whale Shark off Isla Mujeres, Mexico.

Great White Shark at the Neptune Islands, South Australia.

Great White Shark at the Neptune Islands, South Australia.

Great White Shark at the Neptune Islands, South Australia.

Whale Shark off Isla Mujeres, Mexico.

Whale shark with fishing boat in Cebu, the Philippines.

Bull sharks at Beqa Lagoon, Fiji.

Great White Shark at depth in the Neptune Islands, South Australia.